Monday, February 8, 2010

Samuelsen...Where's the Dough??

Samuelsen,show us the" dough".The judge ruled about eight(8) weeks ago that the TA must pay the MONEY awarded by the Arbitration panel. It has been about eight(8)weeks and counting..Where's the "Dough" Samuelsen??

You promised, if elected, you'll engage the TA in "Direct Action". Samuelsen, you're elected...Where's the "Dough"?? Joining a broad coalition of politicians and slamming the MTA are things Toussaint were doing and are the things you were against..John,"Where is your "Direct Action"that you promised will bring us our contract?

Toussaint won us a contract, but John you are unable to Deliver...Where's the "Dough"??How long must we wait??

We elected you to get us MONEY not Politicians..Where's the "DOUGH" John??