Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Samuelsen's Staffers Profile

Samuelsen spent several months touting that he'll bring democracy and unity to Local 100,its only fair that portraits of his Staffers are made public.Here's a snap shot of some:

Harry Wills(TA Surface):ran for VP of Buses in a three way race; came in a distant third.

Appointed Position: Special Assistant to Samuelsen

Function: Walks the corridors of 80W/End(Union Hall) and fires those who opposed Samuelsen in the last election.

Keith Cummings(TA Surface):Member in bad Standing-refused to pay Union Dues for over one(1)year.

Appointed Position: Safety Representative(TWU Safety Office)

Richie Rivera(CED):Ran for VP of CED twice against Nelson Rivera ;came in a distant second;lost both times to Nelson

Appointed Position:Director of Grievance and Discipline.

Function: To protect and save the 35,000 jobs of Transit Workers.

Marvin Holland(Stations-CTA):Was named one of the top four for TBOU;removed from ballot due to being a member in bad standing.

Appointed Position: Director of Political Action Committee.

Function:Lobby Albany,but Samuelsen is a No-Show in Albany for the past five(5)years.Makes sense?

To be continued.

Appeal:Readers please post pics. of these characters