Sunday, January 31, 2010

Word of advise to David(shattered integrity)Francis-Samuelsen's newly appointed Chair of the Elections Committee- do the right thing Francis, and refuse your newly appointed position.Do not be Samuelsen's stooge pigeon.Do not Take Back Our Union(TBOU) to the days of rigged elections.Be your own man and say" to hell with you John"to Shameless Samuelsen.Don't be the hand that will turn elections into selections.Don't be fooled by Shameless Samuelsen,he wants, "by any means necessary"to make Marvin Holland(member in bad standings) the Selected Section Chair of Cleaners in the Station Dept.Lets not forget Shameless Samuelsen stole TBOU from Marvin Holland-The Founder of TBOU.Shameless John,Is this your way of saying to Holland we are even,I stole TBOU from you,now I'm going to steal the elections for you?

Its any one's guess-Thats Shameless John Samuelsen!!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Is Downs an Executive Board Member?

Someone please clear the air;is Steve Downs an E.Board member?if not what is he doing in an E.Board meeting,and more so, making motions to table discussions?

Thursday, January 28, 2010

NY TRANSPORT WORKERS NEWS: Report on January Executive Board Meeting

NY TRANSPORT WORKERS NEWS: Report on January Executive Board Meeting

NY TRANSPORT WORKERS NEWS: Report on January Executive Board Meeting

NY TRANSPORT WORKERS NEWS: Report on January Executive Board Meeting he for real or a fake??

John Samuelsen spent the last four(4)years bashing Toussaint's administration.Although I do not agree with everything Toussaint and company did;its time for Samuelsen to move on,he was elected to lead TWU Local 100 .In these troubling times we(the members)need him to addresses the bread and butter issues facing not only transit workers,but the entire working class of America.But apparently Samuelsen is most comfortable mud slinging than dealing with the issues he was elected to solve.

Lets reflect on the man elected to lead TWU Local 100 thirty five thousand(35000)membership:

Prior to the elections of 2000,Samuelsen was the Darling of Toussaint.Toussaint pulled him up by his boot straps,taught him all he knows.Toussaint went as far as making Samuelsen the Acting VP of MoW;he acted as VP for the better part of four(4)years .How did Samuelsen repaid Toussaint... by stabbing him in the back. Is Samuelsen for real or fake??

After the strike of 2005,Samuelsen submitted his time sheet to be paid for the time the rest of us was on strike.When caught,instead of standing up and accept responsibility he blamed one of the Secretaries in the General Office for submitting a time sheet signed by Samuelsen..Is Samuelsen for real or a fake??

After being in the E.Board meetings(meetings are held once per month)for four years,and participated in all the discussions and plans and agreed to the selling of the building(80 W/End)Samuelsen is posturing as though he's clean.The fact is,he's part of the team that agreed to the building sale...Is Samuelsen for real or a fake??

In the Track Division meeting,12/24/09,Samuelsen told track workers that his priorities are (a)to stop mid-week RDO's in the track division,and(b)stop the four(4) day work week pilot program. As of yesterday he is claiming that Toussaint's administration on,12/28/09,submitted to theTA a request to stop the program..Lies...Is Samuelsen for real or a fake??

At the E.Board meeting on,1/25/10,Samuelsen reported that monies from the building sale were used to offset some of the Union's expenses.In yesterday's Track Division meeting,Samuelsen reported that $14 million is unaccounted for.Lets not forget this is the same Samuelsen who for the past three years accused Toussaint of skimming off $17 million to build a house in Trinidad.Samuelsen make up your mind and tell us how much money is missing.Is Samuelsen for real or a fake??

Samuelsen is the guy when he was on the outside decried The Track Safety Task Force but was reported as saying,"I'm going to leave it alone"..Is Samuelsen for real or a fake??

I started by saying that its time Samuelsen addresses our bread and butter issues.Toussaint left us with a three year contract that we won in the courts.From recent reports,it seems as though the TA is going to honor two years and the third is up in the air.Samuelsen boasted that he met with Walder-MTA Chief-but is mum on the third year of our contract.Samuelsen,come clean-Transit Workers will like to know what's up with the third year.Toussaint left a three year contract,the least you can do is secure the third year,hope you didn't give it back to Walder.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Samuelsen's Staffers Profile

Samuelsen spent several months touting that he'll bring democracy and unity to Local 100,its only fair that portraits of his Staffers are made public.Here's a snap shot of some:

Harry Wills(TA Surface):ran for VP of Buses in a three way race; came in a distant third.

Appointed Position: Special Assistant to Samuelsen

Function: Walks the corridors of 80W/End(Union Hall) and fires those who opposed Samuelsen in the last election.

Keith Cummings(TA Surface):Member in bad Standing-refused to pay Union Dues for over one(1)year.

Appointed Position: Safety Representative(TWU Safety Office)

Richie Rivera(CED):Ran for VP of CED twice against Nelson Rivera ;came in a distant second;lost both times to Nelson

Appointed Position:Director of Grievance and Discipline.

Function: To protect and save the 35,000 jobs of Transit Workers.

Marvin Holland(Stations-CTA):Was named one of the top four for TBOU;removed from ballot due to being a member in bad standing.

Appointed Position: Director of Political Action Committee.

Function:Lobby Albany,but Samuelsen is a No-Show in Albany for the past five(5)years.Makes sense?

To be continued.

Appeal:Readers please post pics. of these characters

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Three Blind Mice...Samuelsen,Downs, Creegan

1) John Samuelsen(MoW):Spent the last eighteen(18)months decrying our contract.Today he's taking credit for a contract he bad mouthed and worked to see its failure:(a)he encouraged Transit Workers to boycott(that's after he encouraged them,for about two years, not to pay Union dues)every effort out of our Union Hall that will mobilize the membership to demonstrate,picket and walk Brooklyn Bridge so as to put pressure on the MTA to hasten granting our contract.(b)He was quoted "these efforts are a waste of time and the only way to get a contract is by Direct Action"Samuelsen,you played no part or participated in any way.Stop taking credit...Shame on you...Hypocrite!!

2)Steve Downs(RTO):Please do your math!(a) 11% is not really 11%,Toussaint and Roberts are scamming Transit Workers out of $5000.00 per man.(b)Carried out a campaign "If I had to vote,I will vote no on the contract",but is on record saying Transit Workers are deserving of the contract.
You can't have it both ways Downs;is the contract a good contract or not?Or bad mouthing the contract was just a political ploy to get votes...Opportunist..Shame on you Downs you're nothing but a two cent Opportunist!!

3)Thomas Creegan(PD):"Bloomberg is not to be blamed for us not having a contract;Toussaint and TWU should be blaming Govt.Patterson and not Mike Bloomberg"My question,is our contract a good contract or not?Answer the question.

To the three(3)Blind Mice,Samuelsen,Downs and Creegan,do us(New York City Transit Workers,TWU members)and yourselves a great favor and reject the contract-There's no law that legally binds you to accepting it-you can reject,reopen and renegotiate,so show us some balls and renegotiate.Two(2) years is too long a wait.Shut up or put up..Where's the beef.



Saturday, January 23, 2010

Marvin Holland

Good Standing members beware: Samuelsen has betrayed every Transit Worker who stood with the Local for eighteen(18) months and do the right thing by paying dues.Today samuelsen stood to his promise of forgiving members in bad standing and appointed Marvin Holland Director of Political Action Committee(PAC). Holland was removed from the ballot as a member in bad standing(was not paying his union dues).To add insult to injury Samuelsen has put Holland in charge of the monies the Union is collecting to help our brothers and sisters in Haiti.We must contribute to assist the people of Haiti,for those of us who are going to donate through TWU instead of one of the other established Organizations,I urge you to demand an offical receipt.

Is Holland Samuelsen's bag man?